How It Works - See Video Below

The ListoPillo is manufactured in Belgium using high quality natural latex, this pillow will be your best beauty investment with the potential to save you thousands in cosmetic procedures, i.e., botox and dermal fillers.

 For Sleeping & Anti-Aging  

* Prevents compression facial wrinkles  
* Fully adjustable and suitable for side, back and front sleepers  
* Reduces wastage of night creams and serums by preventing being rubbed off on pillow  
* Protects against lash loss and extends life of eyelash extensions 
* Design allows for continual airflow around your head, ideal for anyone with a high sleeping body temperature or suffering menopausal night sweats. 
* Extends life of injectables and prevents facial symmetry distortion  
* Perfect to train side sleepers to sleep on their backs, therefore decreasing décolletage aging and wrinkling  

For Travel

* When used vertically the pillow adjusts to fully support your head and neck whilst travelling, ensuring you arrive refreshed at your destination after a long haul flight.  
* Comes with specially designed carry case specifically for attaching to cabin and hand luggage  
* When you get to your destination your travel pillow turns back into your anti-aging pillow.  

For Surgery Recovery & Sleep Disorder Sufferers

* Alleviates all pressure on the face after cosmetic, plastic or dental surgeries  
* When rotated may be used to assist in sleeping in upright positions  
* TGA Approved as Medical Device - Class 1  
* Recommended for use with CPAP Machines